Quick Favorites Shortcuts
As with any Blender operator, you can add the UVPackmaster Pack operator to the Quick Favorites menu. You should keep in mind though that the packing mode selected at the time of adding will be permanently tied to the given entry in the Quick Favorites menu. The problem appears if you add the Pack operator to the Quick Favorites menu many times, each time with a different packing mode. In such a situation you will get a menu with indistinguishable entries:

To avoid this situation, before adding the shortcuts, first check the Append Mode To Operator Name option in the Add-on Preferences multi panel:

As a result, the name of the currently selected packing mode will be appended to the operator button name:

Now when you start adding operators to the Quick Favorites menu, you will get entries distinguishable by packing modes:

After you are done with adding shortcuts to the Quick Favorites menu, you can uncheck the Append Mode To Operator Name option - it won’t affect entries already added to the menu.