UVPackmaster SDK 2.5.8 - Documentation

C++ shared library for Windows 64-bit and Linux 64-bit

Validate UVs

Validate a UV map. This operation reports invalid UV faces of the map e.g. faces overlapping each other or faces having duplicated vertices (with the same coordinates).

Required feature code: VALIDATION

Parameters used by the operation

Parameter name
void* m_pMessageHandlerData
UvpMessageHandlerT m_pMessageHandler
int m_ThreadCount
UvDataT m_UvData
bool m_RenderInvalidIslands

Messages sent during the operation

Type Count Notes
UvpProgressReportMessageT Many times Sent every time the packer wants to inform the application about the current progress.
UvpInvalidIslandIndiciesMessageT 0-1 The packer sends this message, if the operations failed due to invalid islands being encountered. In such a case the return code from the operation will be INVALID_ISLANDS.
UvpInvalidFacesMessageT 0-1 If the operation is successful, this message is sent to provide information about invalid UV faces found (if any).
Last updated on 10 Dec 2020
Published on 10 Dec 2020

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