Release 3.3.1

First official release – provides the same set of features as UVPackmaster 3 for Blender.

Release 3.3.2

General improvements:

  • New variant of the pack operation: Repack With Others. Repack all selected islands with all unselected islands which are already placed in the target box:
  • New utility operator: Measure Area (Merged): measure merged area of selected UV islands (area of overlapping UVs will be added to the result only once):

  • Bug fixing.

Release 3.3.3

General improvements:

  • Support for a new packing paradigm Fixed Scale (Max Margin): packing with a fixed scale while searching for the maximum margin between islands:
  • The new mode can be selected using a new option Scale Mode (which replaces the old Fixed Scale option). It can be set to one of 3 values:

    • Max Scale (default):
      equivalent to Fixed Scale set to off in older versions
    • Fixed Scale:
      equivalent to Fixed Scale set to on in older versions
    • Fixed Scale (Max Margin):
      the new mode as presented above.
  • Ability to set the Scale Mode setting on a per-group basis in the Groups To Tiles mode using the overrides panel for a group.
  • Improvements for how the packing result is applied to the UV map when packing groups: starting from this version, the packer doesn’t wait for applying a result for a group until all groups are packed: instead it applies the result for a group immediately.

  • Fix for the Apply Grouping To Scheme operation.

  • UI fixes and improvements.

Release 3.3.4

General improvements:

  • New option Arrange Non-Packed Islands: when packing with fixed scale, arrange the islands that cannot be packed due to a lack of space in a line above the target UV area. The arrangement will be done after the operation is complete:

  • Performance optimizations for assigning per-island parameters.

  • Performance optimizations for the Measure Area (Merged) operation.

  • Fix rare instabilities for the Orient UVs To 3D Space operation.

  • Bug fixes.