UVPackmaster SDK 2.5.8 - Documentation

C++ shared library for Windows 64-bit and Linux 64-bit


Pack a UV map.

Parameters used by the operation

Parameter name
void* m_pMessageHandlerData
UvpMessageHandlerT m_pMessageHandler
int m_ThreadCount
UvDataT m_UvData
const char * m_pDeviceId
int m_Precision
float m_Margin
float m_PixelMargin
float m_PixelPadding
int m_PixelMarginTextureSize
bool m_FixedScale
int m_RotationStep
bool m_IslandRotationStepEnable
bool m_PrerotDisable
int m_HeuristicSearchTime
int m_HeuristicMaxWaitTime
int m_PixelMarginAdjustTime
bool m_AdvancedHeuristic
bool m_PackToOthers
bool m_ProcessUnselected
float m_GroupingCompactness
float m_SimilarityThreshold
int m_TileCount
int m_TilesInRow
float m_LockDistance
bool m_LockGroupsEnable
bool m_PreValidate
bool m_MultiDevicePack
bool m_NormalizeIslands
bool m_TargetBoxEnable
Vector2T m_TargetBoxP1
Vector2T m_TargetBoxP2
bool m_Benchmark
bool m_RenderResult
bool m_RenderInvalidIslands
bool m_RealtimeSolution

Messages sent during the operation

Type Count Notes
UvpProgressReportMessageT Many times Sent every time the packer wants to inform the application about the current progress.
UvpInvalidIslandIndiciesMessageT 0-1 The packer sends this message, if the operations failed due to invalid islands being encountered. In such a case the return code from the operation will be INVALID_ISLANDS.
UvpIslandFlagsMessageT 0-1 Sent after successful packing, at the very end of the operation. It provides additional information about island state after packing.
UvpPackSolutionMessageT Many times In the default scenario (heuristic search disabled and m_RealtimeSolution set to false), exactly one message of this type is returned at the very end of the operation (assuming that packing succeeded). If heuristic search is enabled and m_RealtimeSolution is set to true, then the packer will send this message every time it finds a packing of a better coverage.
UvpAreaMessageT Many times In the default scenario (heuristic search disabled), exactly one message of this type is returned at the very end of the operation (assuming that packing succeeded). If heuristic search is enabled, then the packer will send this message every time it finds a packing of a better coverage.
UvpInvalidFacesMessageT 0-1 This message is sent if the m_PreValidate option is set to true and invaid faces are detected in the UV map before packing. In such a case the return code from the operation will be PRE_VALIDATION_FAILED. This message is never sent if m_PreValidate is set to false.
UvpBenchmarkMessageT One message for every packing device used in the operation. Sent only if the m_Benchmark option is set to true and packing was successful.
UvpIslandsMessageT 0-1
Last updated on 10 Dec 2020
Published on 10 Dec 2020

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